Mumble public server stats raw

{   u'AS': {   u'HK': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                   'max_users': {   500: 1},
                                   'ping': {   321: 1},
                                   'population': 1,
                                   'users': {   0: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.3': 1}}},
               u'IL': {   u'Tel Aviv': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 11,
                                                            100000: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 12},
                                           'max_users': {   30: 11, 50: 1},
                                           'ping': {   120: 2,
                                                       140: 4,
                                                       141: 3,
                                                       143: 1,
                                                       160: 1,
                                                       161: 1},
                                           'population': 12,
                                           'users': {   0: 11, 1: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.3': 12}}},
               u'JP': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   80000: 2, 200000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                   'max_users': {   200: 1, 300: 1, 500: 1},
                                   'ping': {   340: 2, 360: 1},
                                   'population': 3,
                                   'users': {   0: 1, 12: 1, 20: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 3}},
                          u'Fukuoka': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                          'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                          'ping': {   362: 1},
                                          'population': 1,
                                          'users': {   0: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Kanagawa': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                           'population': 1,
                                           'zombies': 1},
                          u'Tokyo': {   'bandwidth': {   40960: 1,
                                                         72000: 1,
                                                         111000: 1},
                                        'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                        'max_users': {   200: 1,
                                                         300: 1,
                                                         400: 1},
                                        'ping': {   -1: 1, 360: 2, 380: 1},
                                        'population': 4,
                                        'users': {   0: 2, 7: 1},
                                        'version': {   '1.2.2': 3},
                                        'zombies': 1}},
               u'TW': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   256000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                   'max_users': {   500: 1},
                                   'ping': {   481: 1},
                                   'population': 1,
                                   'users': {   9: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}}},
    u'EU': {   u'BE': {   u'Antwerpen': {   'bandwidth': {   133000: 1},
                                            'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                            'max_users': {   20: 1},
                                            'ping': {   60: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'users': {   15: 1},
                                            'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'BG': {   u'Grad Sofiya': {   'bandwidth': {   200000: 1},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                              'max_users': {   400: 1},
                                              'ping': {   60: 1},
                                              'population': 1,
                                              'users': {   12: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'BY': {   u'Minsk': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                        'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                        'max_users': {   150: 1},
                                        'ping': {   180: 1},
                                        'population': 1,
                                        'users': {   3: 1},
                                        'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'CZ': {   u'Hlavni mesto Praha': {   'bandwidth': {   55000: 1,
                                                                      256000: 10,
                                                                      720000: 1},
                                                     'ca': {   u'0': 2,
                                                               u'1': 10},
                                                     'max_users': {   50: 10,
                                                                      100: 1,
                                                                      500: 1},
                                                     'ping': {   60: 1,
                                                                 80: 4,
                                                                 81: 3,
                                                                 82: 1,
                                                                 83: 2,
                                                                 100: 1},
                                                     'population': 12,
                                                     'users': {   1: 2,
                                                                  3: 2,
                                                                  4: 1,
                                                                  5: 1,
                                                                  7: 2,
                                                                  9: 1,
                                                                  10: 1,
                                                                  11: 1,
                                                                  14: 1},
                                                     'version': {   '1.2.2': 12}},
                          u'Jihocesky kraj': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                 'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                 'max_users': {   750: 1},
                                                 'ping': {   100: 1},
                                                 'population': 1,
                                                 'users': {   203: 1},
                                                 'version': {   '1.2.1': 1}},
                          u'Jihomoravsky kraj': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                    'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                    'max_users': {   200: 1},
                                                    'ping': {   40: 1},
                                                    'population': 1,
                                                    'users': {   8: 1},
                                                    'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Moravskoslezsky kraj': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                       'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                                       'ping': {   220: 1},
                                                       'population': 1,
                                                       'users': {   8: 1},
                                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'DE': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                    110000: 1,
                                                    140000: 1,
                                                    172000: 1,
                                                    176000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 3, u'1': 2},
                                   'max_users': {   30: 1, 100: 3, 400: 1},
                                   'ping': {   -2: 2,
                                               -1: 1,
                                               40: 1,
                                               60: 1,
                                               80: 2,
                                               202: 1},
                                   'population': 8,
                                   'users': {   0: 2, 1: 1, 5: 1, 7: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.1': 2, '1.2.2': 3},
                                   'zombies': 3},
                          u'Baden-Wurttemberg': {   'bandwidth': {   128000: 3,
                                                                     140000: 1,
                                                                     180000: 1,
                                                                     256000: 5},
                                                    'ca': {   u'0': 5,
                                                              u'1': 5},
                                                    'max_users': {   10: 1,
                                                                     40: 1,
                                                                     50: 6,
                                                                     100: 1,
                                                                     200: 1},
                                                    'ping': {   40: 1,
                                                                41: 1,
                                                                60: 3,
                                                                80: 3,
                                                                160: 1,
                                                                180: 1},
                                                    'population': 10,
                                                    'users': {   0: 5,
                                                                 1: 1,
                                                                 2: 1,
                                                                 4: 1,
                                                                 12: 1,
                                                                 15: 1},
                                                    'version': {   '1.2.0': 1,
                                                                   '1.2.2': 7,
                                                                   '1.2.3': 2}},
                          u'Bayern': {   'bandwidth': {   5000: 1,
                                                          46900: 2,
                                                          72000: 2,
                                                          100000: 26,
                                                          124000: 1,
                                                          128000: 5,
                                                          130000: 32,
                                                          144000: 6,
                                                          172000: 37,
                                                          1024000: 2,
                                                          5000000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 77, u'1': 38},
                                         'max_users': {   2: 1,
                                                          10: 13,
                                                          15: 3,
                                                          20: 39,
                                                          25: 3,
                                                          30: 11,
                                                          40: 2,
                                                          50: 20,
                                                          60: 2,
                                                          100: 16,
                                                          200: 1,
                                                          250: 1,
                                                          300: 1,
                                                          500: 1,
                                                          666: 1},
                                         'ping': {   40: 21,
                                                     60: 33,
                                                     61: 3,
                                                     62: 3,
                                                     80: 20,
                                                     81: 3,
                                                     82: 1,
                                                     100: 9,
                                                     120: 1,
                                                     121: 1,
                                                     140: 1,
                                                     180: 1,
                                                     200: 6,
                                                     201: 2,
                                                     202: 1,
                                                     220: 1,
                                                     221: 2,
                                                     222: 3,
                                                     226: 1,
                                                     241: 1,
                                                     261: 1},
                                         'population': 115,
                                         'users': {   0: 77,
                                                      1: 9,
                                                      2: 6,
                                                      3: 3,
                                                      4: 1,
                                                      5: 3,
                                                      6: 4,
                                                      7: 2,
                                                      8: 1,
                                                      10: 1,
                                                      11: 2,
                                                      12: 1,
                                                      16: 1,
                                                      19: 1,
                                                      21: 1,
                                                      36: 1,
                                                      95: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 105,
                                                        '1.2.3': 10}},
                          u'Berlin': {   'bandwidth': {   50000: 1,
                                                          70000: 1,
                                                          72000: 1,
                                                          100000: 1,
                                                          130000: 31,
                                                          150000: 1,
                                                          192000: 1,
                                                          600000: 1,
                                                          72000000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 39},
                                         'max_users': {   15: 1,
                                                          50: 1,
                                                          100: 35,
                                                          1000: 2},
                                         'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                     40: 1,
                                                     41: 1,
                                                     60: 1,
                                                     80: 5,
                                                     200: 3,
                                                     201: 1,
                                                     205: 2,
                                                     220: 17,
                                                     221: 2,
                                                     222: 1,
                                                     225: 1,
                                                     226: 4},
                                         'population': 40,
                                         'users': {   0: 31,
                                                      1: 3,
                                                      2: 1,
                                                      3: 1,
                                                      6: 1,
                                                      7: 1,
                                                      11: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 38,
                                                        '1.2.3': 1},
                                         'zombies': 1},
                          u'Brandenburg': {   'bandwidth': {   10000000: 1},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                              'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                              'ping': {   101: 1},
                                              'population': 1,
                                              'users': {   8: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Bremen': {   'bandwidth': {   256000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                         'max_users': {   150: 1},
                                         'ping': {   80: 1},
                                         'population': 1,
                                         'users': {   18: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Hessen': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                          128000: 2,
                                                          150000: 1,
                                                          7200000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 5},
                                         'max_users': {   60: 1,
                                                          100: 2,
                                                          1000: 1,
                                                          1723: 1},
                                         'ping': {   60: 2,
                                                     80: 1,
                                                     100: 1,
                                                     101: 1},
                                         'population': 5,
                                         'users': {   0: 3, 2: 1, 3: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 4,
                                                        '1.2.3': 1}},
                          u'Niedersachsen': {   'bandwidth': {   32000: 1},
                                                'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                'max_users': {   30: 1},
                                                'ping': {   60: 1},
                                                'population': 1,
                                                'users': {   1: 1},
                                                'version': {   '1.2.0': 1}},
                          u'Nordrhein-Westfalen': {   'bandwidth': {   14000: 6,
                                                                       28000: 2,
                                                                       56000: 12,
                                                                       64000: 1,
                                                                       72000: 26,
                                                                       96000: 2,
                                                                       128000: 1,
                                                                       130000: 5,
                                                                       136000: 1,
                                                                       156000: 1,
                                                                       200000: 3,
                                                                       560000: 13},
                                                      'ca': {   u'0': 73},
                                                      'max_users': {   4: 3,
                                                                       6: 1,
                                                                       8: 1,
                                                                       9: 1,
                                                                       10: 13,
                                                                       12: 2,
                                                                       13: 1,
                                                                       14: 6,
                                                                       16: 11,
                                                                       18: 1,
                                                                       20: 6,
                                                                       22: 2,
                                                                       24: 3,
                                                                       26: 1,
                                                                       28: 1,
                                                                       30: 1,
                                                                       32: 2,
                                                                       40: 3,
                                                                       50: 4,
                                                                       64: 1,
                                                                       100: 7,
                                                                       300: 1,
                                                                       5000: 1},
                                                      'ping': {   -1: 29,
                                                                  40: 7,
                                                                  41: 2,
                                                                  60: 13,
                                                                  80: 22,
                                                                  81: 2,
                                                                  82: 1,
                                                                  100: 18,
                                                                  120: 1,
                                                                  200: 3,
                                                                  201: 2,
                                                                  220: 1,
                                                                  221: 1},
                                                      'population': 102,
                                                      'users': {   0: 50,
                                                                   1: 1,
                                                                   2: 9,
                                                                   3: 4,
                                                                   4: 3,
                                                                   5: 2,
                                                                   6: 1,
                                                                   8: 1,
                                                                   11: 2},
                                                      'version': {   '1.2.0': 47,
                                                                     '1.2.1': 2,
                                                                     '1.2.2': 24},
                                                      'zombies': 29},
                          u'Thuringen': {   'bandwidth': {   135000: 1},
                                            'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                            'max_users': {   1337: 1},
                                            'ping': {   80: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'users': {   0: 1},
                                            'version': {   '1.2.3': 1}}},
               u'DK': {   u'Hovedstaden': {   'bandwidth': {   130000: 5,
                                                               500000: 1},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 6},
                                              'max_users': {   8: 2,
                                                               10: 1,
                                                               12: 1,
                                                               24: 1,
                                                               32: 1},
                                              'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                          60: 2,
                                                          80: 3,
                                                          81: 1},
                                              'population': 7,
                                              'users': {   0: 2,
                                                           1: 1,
                                                           3: 1,
                                                           6: 1,
                                                           7: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.2': 6},
                                              'zombies': 1},
                          u'Midtjyllen': {   'bandwidth': {   130000: 1},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                             'max_users': {   10: 1},
                                             'ping': {   80: 1},
                                             'population': 1,
                                             'users': {   3: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'EE': {   u'Harjumaa': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                           'max_users': {   100: 1, 250: 1},
                                           'ping': {   -1: 1, 100: 2},
                                           'population': 3,
                                           'users': {   4: 1, 22: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.1': 1,
                                                          '1.2.2': 1},
                                           'zombies': 1}},
               u'ES': {   u'Madrid': {   'bandwidth': {   1000000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                         'max_users': {   32: 1},
                                         'ping': {   60: 1},
                                         'population': 1,
                                         'users': {   25: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.3': 1}}},
               u'FI': {   u'Eastern Finland': {   'bandwidth': {   1000000: 1},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                  'max_users': {   50: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   80: 1},
                                                  'population': 1,
                                                  'users': {   13: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Southern Finland': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                                    9000000: 1,
                                                                    10485760: 1},
                                                   'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                                   'max_users': {   50: 1,
                                                                    200: 2},
                                                   'ping': {   61: 1,
                                                               100: 1,
                                                               102: 1},
                                                   'population': 3,
                                                   'users': {   2: 1,
                                                                25: 1,
                                                                62: 1},
                                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 3}},
                          u'Western Finland': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                  'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   180: 1},
                                                  'population': 1,
                                                  'users': {   17: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'FR': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   46000: 452,
                                                    50000: 1,
                                                    92000: 57,
                                                    128000: 41,
                                                    130000: 4},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 555},
                                   'max_users': {   15: 452,
                                                    50: 59,
                                                    80: 1,
                                                    100: 2,
                                                    1000: 41},
                                   'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                               40: 70,
                                               41: 8,
                                               60: 157,
                                               61: 18,
                                               62: 6,
                                               63: 5,
                                               64: 2,
                                               65: 2,
                                               80: 144,
                                               81: 24,
                                               82: 2,
                                               83: 1,
                                               84: 3,
                                               100: 41,
                                               101: 7,
                                               102: 2,
                                               103: 3,
                                               120: 12,
                                               121: 2,
                                               140: 15,
                                               141: 1,
                                               160: 12,
                                               161: 2,
                                               180: 4,
                                               200: 6,
                                               202: 3,
                                               220: 2,
                                               222: 1},
                                   'population': 556,
                                   'users': {   0: 366,
                                                1: 46,
                                                2: 53,
                                                3: 23,
                                                4: 18,
                                                5: 14,
                                                6: 8,
                                                7: 8,
                                                8: 7,
                                                9: 3,
                                                10: 3,
                                                17: 1,
                                                18: 1,
                                                22: 1,
                                                27: 1,
                                                35: 1,
                                                49: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 555},
                                   'zombies': 1},
                          u'Haute-Normandie': {   'bandwidth': {   100000: 6},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 6},
                                                  'max_users': {   10: 1,
                                                                   12: 1,
                                                                   15: 1,
                                                                   20: 2,
                                                                   40: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   60: 4,
                                                              63: 1,
                                                              161: 1},
                                                  'population': 6,
                                                  'users': {   0: 3,
                                                               1: 2,
                                                               4: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 6}},
                          u'Ile-de-France': {   'bandwidth': {   50000: 1,
                                                                 72000: 2,
                                                                 100000: 1,
                                                                 130000: 2,
                                                                 200000: 2,
                                                                 1000000: 2},
                                                'ca': {   u'0': 10},
                                                'max_users': {   10: 2,
                                                                 20: 1,
                                                                 50: 1,
                                                                 100: 4,
                                                                 1500: 2},
                                                'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                            40: 1,
                                                            41: 1,
                                                            60: 3,
                                                            80: 3,
                                                            81: 1,
                                                            100: 1},
                                                'population': 11,
                                                'users': {   0: 2,
                                                             1: 1,
                                                             2: 1,
                                                             3: 2,
                                                             4: 1,
                                                             6: 2,
                                                             16: 1},
                                                'version': {   '1.2.0': 1,
                                                               '1.2.2': 9},
                                                'zombies': 1},
                          u'Nord-Pas-de-Calais': {   'bandwidth': {   40000: 10,
                                                                      50000: 1,
                                                                      72000: 42,
                                                                      130000: 3,
                                                                      300000: 1,
                                                                      1000000: 1},
                                                     'ca': {   u'0': 58},
                                                     'max_users': {   10: 10,
                                                                      15: 2,
                                                                      20: 23,
                                                                      30: 8,
                                                                      35: 1,
                                                                      40: 1,
                                                                      50: 6,
                                                                      100: 3,
                                                                      200: 1,
                                                                      1000: 3},
                                                     'ping': {   -1: 3,
                                                                 40: 8,
                                                                 60: 16,
                                                                 61: 3,
                                                                 62: 1,
                                                                 63: 3,
                                                                 80: 15,
                                                                 100: 3,
                                                                 120: 2,
                                                                 200: 1,
                                                                 220: 1,
                                                                 222: 2,
                                                                 241: 2,
                                                                 261: 1},
                                                     'population': 61,
                                                     'users': {   0: 29,
                                                                  1: 3,
                                                                  2: 9,
                                                                  3: 6,
                                                                  4: 4,
                                                                  6: 3,
                                                                  7: 1,
                                                                  8: 1,
                                                                  10: 1,
                                                                  61: 1},
                                                     'version': {   '1.2.2': 57,
                                                                    '1.2.3': 1},
                                                     'zombies': 3},
                          u'Rhone-Alpes': {   'bandwidth': {   32000: 2,
                                                               130000: 1,
                                                               170000: 813,
                                                               1270000: 26,
                                                               100000000: 229},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 1071},
                                              'max_users': {   0: 1,
                                                               2: 55,
                                                               3: 8,
                                                               4: 14,
                                                               5: 28,
                                                               6: 40,
                                                               7: 11,
                                                               8: 22,
                                                               9: 14,
                                                               10: 141,
                                                               11: 15,
                                                               12: 66,
                                                               13: 9,
                                                               14: 27,
                                                               15: 74,
                                                               16: 28,
                                                               18: 42,
                                                               20: 105,
                                                               21: 4,
                                                               22: 3,
                                                               24: 18,
                                                               26: 7,
                                                               27: 6,
                                                               28: 1,
                                                               30: 49,
                                                               32: 2,
                                                               33: 20,
                                                               34: 1,
                                                               36: 27,
                                                               38: 1,
                                                               39: 6,
                                                               40: 102,
                                                               42: 3,
                                                               45: 10,
                                                               48: 15,
                                                               50: 9,
                                                               54: 1,
                                                               60: 40,
                                                               63: 3,
                                                               65: 1,
                                                               70: 1,
                                                               72: 3,
                                                               75: 1,
                                                               80: 14,
                                                               90: 5,
                                                               93: 1,
                                                               96: 1,
                                                               99: 2,
                                                               100: 1,
                                                               120: 4,
                                                               160: 6,
                                                               210: 1,
                                                               500: 1,
                                                               5000: 1},
                                              'ping': {   -1: 2,
                                                          35: 1,
                                                          40: 35,
                                                          41: 2,
                                                          42: 2,
                                                          49: 1,
                                                          60: 220,
                                                          61: 16,
                                                          62: 8,
                                                          63: 5,
                                                          65: 1,
                                                          80: 260,
                                                          81: 37,
                                                          82: 7,
                                                          83: 6,
                                                          84: 4,
                                                          100: 233,
                                                          101: 40,
                                                          102: 16,
                                                          103: 9,
                                                          104: 3,
                                                          105: 8,
                                                          120: 10,
                                                          140: 19,
                                                          141: 2,
                                                          143: 3,
                                                          160: 22,
                                                          161: 6,
                                                          163: 3,
                                                          200: 43,
                                                          201: 3,
                                                          202: 6,
                                                          203: 4,
                                                          205: 6,
                                                          220: 8,
                                                          221: 12,
                                                          222: 2,
                                                          225: 2,
                                                          241: 4,
                                                          246: 1,
                                                          280: 1},
                                              'population': 1073,
                                              'users': {   0: 738,
                                                           1: 93,
                                                           2: 88,
                                                           3: 64,
                                                           4: 30,
                                                           5: 27,
                                                           6: 10,
                                                           7: 7,
                                                           8: 4,
                                                           10: 3,
                                                           11: 3,
                                                           12: 2,
                                                           13: 1,
                                                           25: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.0': 231,
                                                             '1.2.2': 1,
                                                             '1.2.3': 839},
                                              'zombies': 2}},
               u'GB': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                    110000: 1,
                                                    130000: 40,
                                                    170000: 42},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 84},
                                   'max_users': {   5: 4,
                                                    6: 2,
                                                    7: 1,
                                                    8: 2,
                                                    10: 16,
                                                    11: 1,
                                                    12: 3,
                                                    15: 2,
                                                    16: 1,
                                                    20: 9,
                                                    22: 2,
                                                    24: 1,
                                                    25: 19,
                                                    26: 2,
                                                    30: 2,
                                                    40: 6,
                                                    50: 7,
                                                    60: 1,
                                                    100: 2,
                                                    512: 1},
                                   'ping': {   -1: 2,
                                               40: 6,
                                               60: 29,
                                               61: 1,
                                               62: 1,
                                               80: 28,
                                               100: 10,
                                               101: 3,
                                               120: 3,
                                               140: 1,
                                               200: 1,
                                               201: 1},
                                   'population': 86,
                                   'users': {   0: 51,
                                                1: 5,
                                                2: 5,
                                                3: 5,
                                                4: 5,
                                                5: 3,
                                                6: 4,
                                                7: 1,
                                                8: 1,
                                                9: 1,
                                                12: 1,
                                                13: 1,
                                                19: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 42, '1.2.3': 42},
                                   'zombies': 2},
                          u'Buckinghamshire': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                  'max_users': {   25: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   100: 1},
                                                  'population': 1,
                                                  'users': {   1: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Dundee City': {   'bandwidth': {   48000: 1},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                              'max_users': {   10: 1},
                                              'ping': {   100: 1},
                                              'population': 1,
                                              'users': {   2: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Gloucestershire': {   'bandwidth': {   130000: 2},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                                  'max_users': {   10: 1,
                                                                   30: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   80: 2},
                                                  'population': 2,
                                                  'users': {   0: 2},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'London, City of': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                                  'max_users': {   50: 1,
                                                                   100: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   80: 1, 200: 1},
                                                  'population': 2,
                                                  'users': {   2: 1, 4: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'Southampton': {   'bandwidth': {   200000: 2,
                                                               560000: 209},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 211},
                                              'max_users': {   4: 2,
                                                               8: 14,
                                                               9: 1,
                                                               10: 54,
                                                               11: 2,
                                                               12: 7,
                                                               13: 2,
                                                               14: 4,
                                                               15: 9,
                                                               16: 8,
                                                               18: 2,
                                                               20: 16,
                                                               22: 1,
                                                               24: 12,
                                                               25: 26,
                                                               28: 1,
                                                               30: 13,
                                                               32: 15,
                                                               35: 3,
                                                               50: 14,
                                                               75: 3,
                                                               100: 1,
                                                               1000: 1},
                                              'ping': {   60: 86,
                                                          61: 18,
                                                          62: 7,
                                                          63: 1,
                                                          80: 46,
                                                          81: 8,
                                                          82: 2,
                                                          83: 2,
                                                          84: 2,
                                                          100: 11,
                                                          101: 4,
                                                          120: 2,
                                                          121: 2,
                                                          140: 7,
                                                          143: 1,
                                                          160: 3,
                                                          180: 1,
                                                          181: 1,
                                                          201: 1,
                                                          202: 1,
                                                          221: 3,
                                                          222: 1,
                                                          241: 1},
                                              'population': 211,
                                              'users': {   0: 117,
                                                           1: 17,
                                                           2: 22,
                                                           3: 16,
                                                           4: 15,
                                                           5: 4,
                                                           6: 4,
                                                           7: 3,
                                                           8: 3,
                                                           9: 1,
                                                           10: 3,
                                                           13: 2,
                                                           14: 1,
                                                           15: 1,
                                                           16: 1,
                                                           19: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.2': 211}},
                          u'Suffolk': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                          'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                          'ping': {   80: 1},
                                          'population': 1,
                                          'users': {   13: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.0': 1}},
                          u'Warwickshire': {   'bandwidth': {   80000: 1,
                                                                100000: 1},
                                               'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                               'max_users': {   50: 1, 200: 1},
                                               'ping': {   60: 1, 80: 1},
                                               'population': 2,
                                               'users': {   0: 2},
                                               'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'Windsor and Maidenhead': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                                          130000: 1,
                                                                          5000000: 1},
                                                         'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                                         'max_users': {   20: 1,
                                                                          100: 2},
                                                         'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                                     60: 1,
                                                                     80: 1,
                                                                     120: 1},
                                                         'population': 4,
                                                         'users': {   4: 1,
                                                                      9: 2},
                                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 2,
                                                                        '1.2.3': 1},
                                                         'zombies': 1},
                          u'York': {   'bandwidth': {   85000: 1},
                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                       'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                       'ping': {   80: 1},
                                       'population': 1,
                                       'users': {   36: 1},
                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'HU': {   u'Budapest': {   'bandwidth': {   83886080: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                           'max_users': {   1000: 1},
                                           'ping': {   60: 1},
                                           'population': 1,
                                           'users': {   2: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Pest': {   'bandwidth': {   40960: 1},
                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                       'max_users': {   2000: 1},
                                       'ping': {   -1: 2, 60: 1},
                                       'population': 3,
                                       'users': {   25: 1},
                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1},
                                       'zombies': 2},
                          u'Szeged': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                         'max_users': {   1000: 1},
                                         'ping': {   100: 1},
                                         'population': 1,
                                         'users': {   0: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'IE': {   u'Dublin': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                         'max_users': {   20: 1},
                                         'ping': {   80: 1},
                                         'population': 1,
                                         'users': {   1: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'IS': {   u'Gullbringusysla': {   'bandwidth': {   150000: 1},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                  'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   -1: 1, 120: 1},
                                                  'population': 2,
                                                  'users': {   46: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 1},
                                                  'zombies': 1}},
               u'IT': {   u'Lombardia': {   'bandwidth': {   130000: 14},
                                            'ca': {   u'0': 14},
                                            'max_users': {   10: 7,
                                                             14: 1,
                                                             16: 1,
                                                             20: 1,
                                                             25: 2,
                                                             30: 1,
                                                             40: 1},
                                            'ping': {   60: 5,
                                                        80: 4,
                                                        140: 1,
                                                        180: 1,
                                                        200: 1,
                                                        220: 1,
                                                        222: 1},
                                            'population': 14,
                                            'users': {   0: 8,
                                                         1: 1,
                                                         2: 1,
                                                         4: 1,
                                                         5: 1,
                                                         6: 1,
                                                         10: 1},
                                            'version': {   '1.2.2': 14}}},
               u'LV': {   u'Ogres': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                        'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                        'max_users': {   50: 1},
                                        'ping': {   100: 1},
                                        'population': 1,
                                        'users': {   0: 1},
                                        'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Riga': {   'bandwidth': {   100000: 1,
                                                        192000: 1,
                                                        8388600: 1},
                                       'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                       'max_users': {   100: 2, 200: 1},
                                       'ping': {   80: 2, 82: 1},
                                       'population': 3,
                                       'users': {   4: 1, 10: 1, 19: 1},
                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 3}}},
               u'NL': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   130000: 3},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                   'max_users': {   20: 2, 25: 1},
                                   'ping': {   -1: 4, 40: 1, 100: 1, 241: 1},
                                   'population': 7,
                                   'users': {   7: 1, 19: 1, 25: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 3},
                                   'zombies': 4},
                          u'Groningen': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'zombies': 1},
                          u'Noord-Holland': {   'bandwidth': {   125000: 1,
                                                                 130000: 1,
                                                                 560000: 85},
                                                'ca': {   u'0': 87},
                                                'max_users': {   8: 6,
                                                                 10: 13,
                                                                 11: 1,
                                                                 12: 7,
                                                                 13: 3,
                                                                 15: 4,
                                                                 16: 5,
                                                                 20: 6,
                                                                 24: 4,
                                                                 25: 9,
                                                                 30: 5,
                                                                 32: 9,
                                                                 35: 5,
                                                                 40: 1,
                                                                 50: 5,
                                                                 100: 1,
                                                                 128: 1,
                                                                 150: 1,
                                                                 1000: 1},
                                                'ping': {   60: 38,
                                                            61: 10,
                                                            62: 4,
                                                            63: 2,
                                                            64: 1,
                                                            80: 8,
                                                            81: 2,
                                                            82: 1,
                                                            84: 1,
                                                            100: 10,
                                                            101: 5,
                                                            140: 1,
                                                            200: 2,
                                                            201: 1,
                                                            221: 1},
                                                'population': 87,
                                                'users': {   0: 56,
                                                             1: 4,
                                                             2: 5,
                                                             3: 4,
                                                             4: 2,
                                                             5: 2,
                                                             6: 1,
                                                             7: 2,
                                                             8: 2,
                                                             9: 2,
                                                             10: 1,
                                                             11: 1,
                                                             12: 1,
                                                             13: 1,
                                                             18: 1,
                                                             36: 1,
                                                             61: 1},
                                                'version': {   '1.2.2': 87}},
                          u'Zuid-Holland': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                               'population': 1,
                                               'zombies': 1}},
               u'NO': {   u'Aust-Agder': {   'bandwidth': {   1638400: 1},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                             'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                             'ping': {   84: 1},
                                             'population': 1,
                                             'users': {   0: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Hordaland': {   'bandwidth': {   128000: 1},
                                            'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                            'max_users': {   999: 1},
                                            'ping': {   81: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'users': {   8: 1},
                                            'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Oslo': {   'bandwidth': {   720000: 1},
                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                       'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                       'ping': {   81: 1},
                                       'population': 1,
                                       'users': {   13: 1},
                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Vestfold': {   'bandwidth': {   200000: 1,
                                                            256000: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 1, u'1': 1},
                                           'max_users': {   100: 1, 1000: 1},
                                           'ping': {   100: 1, 120: 1},
                                           'population': 2,
                                           'users': {   0: 1, 12: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 1,
                                                          '1.2.3': 1}}},
               u'PL': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   160000: 26,
                                                    250000: 1,
                                                    256000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 1, u'1': 27},
                                   'max_users': {   10: 5,
                                                    12: 1,
                                                    15: 1,
                                                    20: 9,
                                                    30: 4,
                                                    40: 1,
                                                    45: 1,
                                                    60: 2,
                                                    100: 1,
                                                    200: 1,
                                                    1000: 2},
                                   'ping': {   40: 4,
                                               41: 1,
                                               60: 10,
                                               62: 1,
                                               64: 1,
                                               80: 4,
                                               100: 2,
                                               120: 1,
                                               140: 1,
                                               200: 2,
                                               261: 1},
                                   'population': 28,
                                   'users': {   0: 20,
                                                3: 2,
                                                4: 1,
                                                5: 1,
                                                7: 1,
                                                8: 1,
                                                149: 1,
                                                328: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 27, '1.2.3': 1}},
                          u'Dolnoslaskie': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                               'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                               'max_users': {   666: 1},
                                               'ping': {   80: 1},
                                               'population': 1,
                                               'users': {   70: 1},
                                               'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Swietokrzyskie': {   'bandwidth': {   160000: 7},
                                                 'ca': {   u'1': 7},
                                                 'max_users': {   5: 1,
                                                                  10: 3,
                                                                  15: 2,
                                                                  20: 1},
                                                 'ping': {   80: 2,
                                                             100: 2,
                                                             101: 2,
                                                             120: 1},
                                                 'population': 7,
                                                 'users': {   0: 1,
                                                              4: 2,
                                                              6: 1,
                                                              7: 1,
                                                              11: 1,
                                                              19: 1},
                                                 'version': {   '1.2.2': 7}},
                          u'Wielkopolskie': {   'bandwidth': {   160000: 1},
                                                'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                'max_users': {   200: 1},
                                                'ping': {   -1: 1, 100: 1},
                                                'population': 2,
                                                'users': {   48: 1},
                                                'version': {   '1.2.2': 1},
                                                'zombies': 1},
                          u'Zachodniopomorskie': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                     'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                     'max_users': {   13: 1},
                                                     'ping': {   120: 1},
                                                     'population': 1,
                                                     'users': {   0: 1},
                                                     'version': {   '1.2.1': 1}}},
               u'RU': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1, 130000: 2},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                   'max_users': {   10: 1, 50: 1, 100: 1},
                                   'ping': {   -1: 3, 100: 2, 140: 1},
                                   'population': 6,
                                   'users': {   0: 1, 1: 1, 29: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 3},
                                   'zombies': 3},
                          u'Irkutsk': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                          'max_users': {   100: 2},
                                          'ping': {   160: 1, 260: 1},
                                          'population': 2,
                                          'users': {   3: 1, 7: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'Khabarovsk': {   'bandwidth': {   192000: 1},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                             'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                             'ping': {   280: 1},
                                             'population': 1,
                                             'users': {   11: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Moscow City': {   'bandwidth': {   56000: 1,
                                                               72000: 5,
                                                               96000: 1,
                                                               112000: 1,
                                                               124800: 1,
                                                               127000: 1,
                                                               256000: 1},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 10, u'1': 1},
                                              'max_users': {   22: 1,
                                                               30: 1,
                                                               32: 1,
                                                               100: 4,
                                                               300: 1,
                                                               500: 1,
                                                               1000: 2},
                                              'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                          80: 3,
                                                          100: 4,
                                                          104: 1,
                                                          120: 3},
                                              'population': 12,
                                              'users': {   0: 2,
                                                           1: 3,
                                                           2: 1,
                                                           9: 1,
                                                           11: 1,
                                                           12: 1,
                                                           17: 1,
                                                           28: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.1': 1,
                                                             '1.2.2': 9,
                                                             '1.2.3': 1},
                                              'zombies': 1},
                          u'Saint Petersburg City': {   'bandwidth': {   25000: 1,
                                                                         1024000: 1},
                                                        'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                                        'max_users': {   100: 2},
                                                        'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                                    80: 1,
                                                                    121: 1},
                                                        'population': 3,
                                                        'users': {   0: 1,
                                                                     6: 1},
                                                        'version': {   '1.2.2': 1,
                                                                       '1.2.3': 1},
                                                        'zombies': 1}},
               u'SE': {   u'Gavleborgs Lan': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                 'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                 'max_users': {   900: 1},
                                                 'ping': {   220: 1},
                                                 'population': 1,
                                                 'users': {   7: 1},
                                                 'version': {   '1.2.3': 1}},
                          u'Orebro Lan': {   'ping': {   -1: 25},
                                             'population': 25,
                                             'zombies': 25},
                          u'Skane Lan': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                            'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                            'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                            'ping': {   160: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'users': {   32: 1},
                                            'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Sodermanlands Lan': {   'bandwidth': {   720000: 1,
                                                                     5242880: 1},
                                                    'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                                    'max_users': {   100: 1,
                                                                     200: 1},
                                                    'ping': {   100: 1,
                                                                144: 1},
                                                    'population': 2,
                                                    'users': {   16: 1, 44: 1},
                                                    'version': {   '1.2.2': 1,
                                                                   '1.2.3': 1}},
                          u'Stockholms Lan': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2,
                                                                  172000: 1},
                                                 'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                                 'max_users': {   100: 1,
                                                                  200: 1,
                                                                  250: 1},
                                                 'ping': {   80: 1,
                                                             81: 1,
                                                             100: 1},
                                                 'population': 3,
                                                 'users': {   9: 1,
                                                              18: 1,
                                                              33: 1},
                                                 'version': {   '1.2.2': 3}},
                          u'Vastra Gotaland': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 4,
                                                                   100000: 1,
                                                                   142000: 1},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 6},
                                                  'max_users': {   100: 5,
                                                                   900: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                              60: 2,
                                                              80: 2,
                                                              81: 1,
                                                              101: 1},
                                                  'population': 7,
                                                  'users': {   1: 1,
                                                               12: 1,
                                                               18: 1,
                                                               19: 1,
                                                               50: 1,
                                                               134: 1},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.2': 6},
                                                  'zombies': 1}},
               u'SK': {   u'Nitra': {   'bandwidth': {   256000: 5},
                                        'ca': {   u'1': 5},
                                        'max_users': {   50: 5},
                                        'ping': {   40: 2,
                                                    41: 1,
                                                    62: 1,
                                                    81: 1},
                                        'population': 5,
                                        'users': {   0: 1,
                                                     1: 1,
                                                     5: 1,
                                                     7: 1,
                                                     9: 1},
                                        'version': {   '1.2.2': 5}}},
               u'UA': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   130000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                   'max_users': {   200: 1},
                                   'ping': {   101: 1},
                                   'population': 1,
                                   'users': {   17: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u"Kyyivs'ka Oblast'": {   'bandwidth': {   327680: 1},
                                                    'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                    'max_users': {   1000: 1},
                                                    'ping': {   81: 1},
                                                    'population': 1,
                                                    'users': {   1: 1},
                                                    'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}}},
    u'NA': {   u'CA': {   u'Alberta': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                          'max_users': {   25: 1, 100: 1},
                                          'ping': {   220: 1, 240: 1},
                                          'population': 2,
                                          'users': {   3: 1, 4: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'Ontario': {   'bandwidth': {   40000: 1},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                          'max_users': {   12: 1},
                                          'ping': {   203: 1},
                                          'population': 1,
                                          'users': {   9: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Quebec': {   'bandwidth': {   128000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                         'max_users': {   5: 1},
                                         'ping': {   180: 1},
                                         'population': 1,
                                         'users': {   0: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.0': 1}}},
               u'US': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                    130000: 2,
                                                    200000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 4},
                                   'max_users': {   10: 2, 100: 1, 512: 1},
                                   'ping': {   -2: 1,
                                               180: 1,
                                               200: 1,
                                               220: 1,
                                               240: 1},
                                   'population': 5,
                                   'users': {   0: 1, 1: 2, 11: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 4},
                                   'zombies': 1},
                          u'Arizona': {   'bandwidth': {   48000: 1,
                                                           130000: 1},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                          'max_users': {   50: 1, 100: 1},
                                          'ping': {   200: 1, 223: 1},
                                          'population': 2,
                                          'users': {   0: 1, 1: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'California': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 11,
                                                              78000: 1,
                                                              128000: 4,
                                                              130000: 3,
                                                              135000: 2,
                                                              560000: 10},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 31},
                                             'max_users': {   10: 4,
                                                              15: 3,
                                                              20: 2,
                                                              25: 6,
                                                              30: 2,
                                                              32: 1,
                                                              35: 1,
                                                              40: 1,
                                                              50: 5,
                                                              75: 1,
                                                              100: 4,
                                                              200: 1},
                                             'ping': {   -1: 37,
                                                         160: 3,
                                                         161: 1,
                                                         163: 2,
                                                         180: 3,
                                                         181: 1,
                                                         182: 1,
                                                         184: 1,
                                                         200: 6,
                                                         211: 1,
                                                         220: 3,
                                                         221: 1,
                                                         240: 2,
                                                         241: 1,
                                                         242: 1,
                                                         260: 2,
                                                         263: 1,
                                                         300: 1},
                                             'population': 68,
                                             'users': {   0: 1,
                                                          1: 4,
                                                          2: 6,
                                                          3: 2,
                                                          4: 1,
                                                          5: 3,
                                                          6: 1,
                                                          7: 2,
                                                          8: 1,
                                                          9: 2,
                                                          10: 1,
                                                          11: 1,
                                                          12: 2,
                                                          13: 1,
                                                          14: 1,
                                                          15: 1,
                                                          19: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.0': 1,
                                                            '1.2.2': 28,
                                                            '1.2.3': 2},
                                             'zombies': 37},
                          u'Delaware': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                           'max_users': {   25: 1},
                                           'ping': {   140: 1},
                                           'population': 1,
                                           'users': {   0: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'District of Columbia': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                       'max_users': {   20: 1},
                                                       'ping': {   160: 1},
                                                       'population': 1,
                                                       'users': {   2: 1},
                                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Florida': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                          'max_users': {   100: 1, 1337: 1},
                                          'ping': {   -1: 1, 180: 1, 200: 1},
                                          'population': 3,
                                          'users': {   16: 1, 57: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 2},
                                          'zombies': 1},
                          u'Georgia': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1,
                                                           560000: 8},
                                          'ca': {   u'0': 9},
                                          'max_users': {   8: 1,
                                                           20: 2,
                                                           30: 1,
                                                           32: 1,
                                                           37: 1,
                                                           50: 2,
                                                           75: 1},
                                          'ping': {   -1: 20,
                                                      140: 1,
                                                      162: 2,
                                                      163: 1,
                                                      180: 2,
                                                      181: 1,
                                                      184: 1,
                                                      260: 1},
                                          'population': 29,
                                          'users': {   0: 1,
                                                       1: 1,
                                                       4: 1,
                                                       5: 1,
                                                       6: 1,
                                                       7: 1,
                                                       9: 1,
                                                       10: 1,
                                                       35: 1},
                                          'version': {   '1.2.2': 9},
                                          'zombies': 20},
                          u'Illinois': {   'bandwidth': {   96000: 1,
                                                            128000: 1,
                                                            135000: 1,
                                                            158000: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 3, u'1': 1},
                                           'max_users': {   50: 1,
                                                            100: 2,
                                                            500: 1},
                                           'ping': {   160: 2, 201: 1, 325: 1},
                                           'population': 4,
                                           'users': {   2: 1,
                                                        6: 1,
                                                        9: 1,
                                                        39: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.1': 1,
                                                          '1.2.2': 1,
                                                          '1.2.3': 2}},
                          u'Indiana': {   'ping': {   -1: 2},
                                          'population': 2,
                                          'zombies': 2},
                          u'Iowa': {   'bandwidth': {   40000: 1},
                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                       'max_users': {   32: 1},
                                       'ping': {   201: 1},
                                       'population': 1,
                                       'users': {   3: 1},
                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Kentucky': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                           'max_users': {   50: 1},
                                           'ping': {   180: 1},
                                           'population': 1,
                                           'users': {   2: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Massachusetts': {   'bandwidth': {   100000: 1},
                                                'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                'max_users': {   25: 1},
                                                'ping': {   301: 1},
                                                'population': 1,
                                                'users': {   6: 1},
                                                'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Minnesota': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'zombies': 1},
                          u'Mississippi': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                              'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                              'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                              'ping': {   181: 1},
                                              'population': 1,
                                              'users': {   1: 1},
                                              'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Missouri': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                           'population': 1,
                                           'zombies': 1},
                          u'Nevada': {   'bandwidth': {   64000: 1, 130000: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                         'max_users': {   100: 2},
                                         'ping': {   260: 1, 320: 1},
                                         'population': 2,
                                         'users': {   2: 1, 13: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'New Jersey': {   'bandwidth': {   10000: 1,
                                                              72000: 7,
                                                              96000: 1,
                                                              130000: 1},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 9, u'1': 1},
                                             'max_users': {   5: 1,
                                                              10: 1,
                                                              20: 2,
                                                              25: 1,
                                                              100: 4,
                                                              1337: 1},
                                             'ping': {   -1: 1,
                                                         120: 2,
                                                         160: 4,
                                                         162: 1,
                                                         182: 1,
                                                         240: 1,
                                                         301: 1},
                                             'population': 11,
                                             'users': {   0: 2,
                                                          1: 2,
                                                          2: 2,
                                                          4: 1,
                                                          5: 2,
                                                          8: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.0': 1,
                                                            '1.2.2': 9},
                                             'zombies': 1},
                          u'New York': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                           'max_users': {   100: 1, 200: 1},
                                           'ping': {   -1: 2, 140: 1, 162: 1},
                                           'population': 4,
                                           'users': {   7: 1, 10: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 1,
                                                          '1.2.3': 1},
                                           'zombies': 2},
                          u'Oregon': {   'bandwidth': {   102400: 1},
                                         'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                         'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                         'ping': {   220: 1},
                                         'population': 1,
                                         'users': {   1: 1},
                                         'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Pennsylvania': {   'bandwidth': {   85000: 1,
                                                                128000: 1,
                                                                130000: 1},
                                               'ca': {   u'0': 3},
                                               'max_users': {   10: 1,
                                                                1337: 1,
                                                                1338: 1},
                                               'ping': {   140: 1, 160: 2},
                                               'population': 3,
                                               'users': {   1: 1, 3: 1, 15: 1},
                                               'version': {   '1.2.2': 3}},
                          u'Tennessee': {   'bandwidth': {   75000: 1},
                                            'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                            'max_users': {   500: 1},
                                            'ping': {   220: 1},
                                            'population': 1,
                                            'users': {   40: 1},
                                            'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Texas': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 3,
                                                         150000: 1,
                                                         560000: 9},
                                        'ca': {   u'0': 13},
                                        'max_users': {   8: 2,
                                                         20: 2,
                                                         25: 1,
                                                         30: 3,
                                                         35: 1,
                                                         50: 2,
                                                         100: 2},
                                        'ping': {   -1: 15,
                                                    161: 1,
                                                    164: 1,
                                                    180: 4,
                                                    181: 1,
                                                    184: 1,
                                                    200: 2,
                                                    222: 1,
                                                    223: 1,
                                                    283: 1},
                                        'population': 28,
                                        'users': {   1: 7,
                                                     2: 2,
                                                     6: 2,
                                                     8: 1,
                                                     14: 1},
                                        'version': {   '1.2.1': 1,
                                                       '1.2.2': 12},
                                        'zombies': 15},
                          u'Utah': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                       'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                       'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                       'ping': {   167: 1},
                                       'population': 1,
                                       'users': {   5: 1},
                                       'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Virginia': {   'bandwidth': {   560000: 8},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 8},
                                           'max_users': {   8: 1,
                                                            20: 3,
                                                            35: 1,
                                                            50: 2,
                                                            100: 1},
                                           'ping': {   -1: 37,
                                                       142: 1,
                                                       160: 4,
                                                       161: 1,
                                                       200: 1,
                                                       220: 1},
                                           'population': 45,
                                           'users': {   1: 2,
                                                        2: 1,
                                                        3: 2,
                                                        4: 1,
                                                        22: 1,
                                                        55: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 8},
                                           'zombies': 37},
                          u'Washington': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 2,
                                                              128000: 1,
                                                              300000: 1},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 3, u'1': 1},
                                             'max_users': {   20: 3, 1000: 1},
                                             'ping': {   163: 1,
                                                         203: 1,
                                                         222: 1,
                                                         227: 1},
                                             'population': 4,
                                             'users': {   0: 1,
                                                          1: 1,
                                                          3: 1,
                                                          5: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.2': 4}}}},
    u'OC': {   u'AU': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   52000: 1, 72000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                   'max_users': {   75: 1, 100: 1},
                                   'ping': {   401: 1, 421: 1},
                                   'population': 2,
                                   'users': {   0: 1, 4: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 2}},
                          u'New South Wales': {   'bandwidth': {   68000: 1,
                                                                   72000: 1},
                                                  'ca': {   u'0': 2},
                                                  'max_users': {   81: 1,
                                                                   500: 1},
                                                  'ping': {   360: 1, 622: 1},
                                                  'population': 2,
                                                  'users': {   0: 2},
                                                  'version': {   '1.2.0': 1,
                                                                 '1.2.3': 1}},
                          u'Queensland': {   'bandwidth': {   64000: 2,
                                                              72000: 4,
                                                              128000: 9,
                                                              256000: 6},
                                             'ca': {   u'0': 21},
                                             'max_users': {   10: 5,
                                                              15: 1,
                                                              16: 2,
                                                              24: 2,
                                                              25: 2,
                                                              32: 3,
                                                              50: 3,
                                                              80: 2,
                                                              100: 1},
                                             'ping': {   -1: 14,
                                                         360: 2,
                                                         362: 1,
                                                         364: 1,
                                                         380: 3,
                                                         381: 1,
                                                         382: 1,
                                                         384: 1,
                                                         400: 4,
                                                         401: 2,
                                                         420: 2,
                                                         421: 1,
                                                         440: 1,
                                                         522: 1},
                                             'population': 35,
                                             'users': {   0: 7,
                                                          1: 3,
                                                          2: 1,
                                                          3: 4,
                                                          5: 2,
                                                          7: 1,
                                                          10: 1,
                                                          12: 1,
                                                          25: 1},
                                             'version': {   '1.2.0': 1,
                                                            '1.2.2': 18,
                                                            '1.2.3': 2},
                                             'zombies': 14},
                          u'South Australia': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                                  'population': 1,
                                                  'zombies': 1}},
               u'NZ': {   u'': {   'ping': {   -1: 1},
                                   'population': 1,
                                   'zombies': 1},
                          u'Auckland': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                           'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                           'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                           'ping': {   400: 1},
                                           'population': 1,
                                           'users': {   10: 1},
                                           'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}}},
    u'SA': {   u'AR': {   u'Buenos Aires': {   'bandwidth': {   72000: 1},
                                               'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                               'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                               'ping': {   300: 1},
                                               'population': 1,
                                               'users': {   2: 1},
                                               'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}},
                          u'Distrito Federal': {   'bandwidth': {   28000: 1},
                                                   'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                                   'max_users': {   60: 1},
                                                   'ping': {   280: 1},
                                                   'population': 1,
                                                   'users': {   10: 1},
                                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}},
               u'BR': {   u'': {   'bandwidth': {   200000: 1},
                                   'ca': {   u'0': 1},
                                   'max_users': {   100: 1},
                                   'ping': {   341: 1},
                                   'population': 1,
                                   'users': {   5: 1},
                                   'version': {   '1.2.2': 1}}}}}